How do Australian Shepherds do in the cold - Aussie University

Surviving the Cold: A Guide to Keeping Your Australian Shepherd Warm and Healthy During Winter Months

The Aussie Coat: Australian Shepherd Colors and Skin Type

How do Australian Shepherds do in the cold?  While they are generally robust and adaptable to a wide range of regions, it is vital to consider their temperature requirements.

What is their ideal temperature?

The Australian Shepherd is a medium to large-sized herding dog breed that originated in the United States. These bright and active dogs are well-known for their herding ability and are frequently utilized in livestock management. (Note: they are quite hyper)

Our furry friends are normally comfortable in a wide variety of temperatures, although the ideal temperature will vary depending on the individual dog and the thickness of its coat. Most Australian Shepherds find temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit to be comfortable. To reduce overheating in hotter temperatures, provide lots of cover and access to water.

Do dogs need to wear a coat in cold weather?

Do Australian Shepherds need a coat in cold winter?

Australian Shepherds have a thick double coat that keeps them warm in cold weather. The outside layer of the coat is composed of coarse hairs that protect the dog from the elements, while the inner layer is composed of softer, finer hairs that assist keep the dog warm.

In most situations, these animals do not require a coat in the winter because their natural coat provides ample insulation.

However, if your Australian Shepherd has a thin coat, or if he or she is very young, old, or unwell, a coat may be required to give extra warmth in extremely cold weather.

Aussies in the cold

They are either indoor or outdoor dogs

Because they were initially developed for herding and farm work, aussies do often get regarded as outdoor dogs. They can, however, make excellent indoor pets if given plenty of activity and attention (the companionship I get from my Aussies is unlike any other dog I’ve ever had. They are loyal and their obedience is unmatched).

It is critical to give a comfortable location for your pet to relax, either indoors or outside, depending on their preferences and the weather.

My younger Aussie is more accepting of the cold than the older one…so I picked up an awesome coat for the older one on Amazon.  Definitely check into one of these if your Aussie is in cold weather a lot -> Dog Puffer Jacket

can australian shepherds be in the cold?

Can they be out in the ice and snow?

Australian Shepherds can tolerate freezing weather and can be out in the snow for short periods of time. But, it is super critical to keep an eye out for signs of hypothermia or frostbite in your dog, such as shaking, trouble walking, or chilly ears and paws.

If your Australian Shepherd will be out in the ice and snow for an extended period of time, it is a good idea to provide a coat or sweater for added warmth.

Tips for keeping your furry friend warm in the winter climate:

  • Give your pet a warm, dry place to relax, either inside or in a shaded outdoor area.
  • Because cold climates cause dogs to drink less, provide plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
  • If your Australian Shepherd will be spending extended periods of time outside in cold weather, consider getting them a coat or sweater.
  • Keep an eye out for signs of hypothermia or frostbite in your dog, such as shivering, difficulty walking, or chilly ears and paws.
  • Keep your Australian Shepherd’s coat in good shape so that it can provide appropriate insulation in the extreme climate. For some great tips on keeping their coat in good shape, read our article -> Everything You Need to Know About Australian Shepherds and Their Shedding Habits

Can Australian Shepherds be in below zero weather?

Can Aussies sleep outside?

These animals can generally sleep outside in suitable weather since they are a sturdy breed that can handle a wide range of temperatures. However, it is critical to provide a comfortable and sheltered spot for your dog to rest, such as a doghouse or covered porch.

It is also a good idea to check on your pet on a regular basis to be sure that they are warm and comfortable (afterall, who doesn’t want that?). If the weather is exceptionally cold or hot, it may be better to bring your Australian Shepherd indoors to sleep.

Is a winter coat necessary for my dog in cold, sub-zero weather?

The thickness of your Australian Shepherd’s coat and the weather conditions in your location will determine whether or not they require a winter coat. Most Australian Shepherds do not require a coat because their natural coat provides ample protection in cold weather.

However, if your Australian Shepherd has a thin coat, or if he or she is very young, old, or unwell, a coat may be required to give extra warmth in extremely cold weather.

If your Australian Shepherd will be spending extended periods of time outside in cold weather, it is also a good idea to supply a coat or sweater.

how do dogs do in below zero weather?

The optimal temperature

The optimal temperature for Australian Shepherds is often between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Most Australian Shepherds will be comfortable and able to control their body temperature properly in this temperature range.

To reduce overheating in hotter temperatures, provide lots of cover and access to water. In inclement weather, provide a warm, dry spot for your Australian Shepherd to relax and keep an eye out for indications of hypothermia or frostbite.

Temperature tolerance of Aussies

Although these herding furry friends can survive a broad range of temperatures, it is critical to consider their needs and give proper shelter and care in extreme weather conditions. To avoid overheating in extremely hot conditions, provide lots of cover and access to water.

In extremely cold weather, provide a warm, dry spot for your Australian Shepherd to relax and keep an eye out for indications of hypothermia or frostbite. If your Australian Shepherd will be spending extended periods of time outside in cold weather, it is also a good idea to supply a coat or sweater.

Overall, paying attention to your Australian Shepherd’s needs and providing them with the care and comfort they require to thrive in any environment is critical.

Cold Weather Dogs

There are a number of dog breeds that are well-suited to cold weather due to their thick coats and sturdy build.
Some examples of breeds that are good in cold weather include:

  • Alaskan Malamute
  • Siberian Husky
  • Newfoundland
  • St. Bernard
  • Samoyed
  • Chow Chow
  • Akita

These dogs should NOT be in cold weather

On the other hand, there are also some breeds that are not well-suited to cold weather due to their thin coats or small size. These breeds may be more prone to sign of hypothermia and may need additional protection in cold weather.

Some examples of breeds that may dislike cold weather include:

  • Greyhounds
  • Whippets
  • Italian Greyhounds
  • Chihuahuas
  • Pomeranians
  • Papillons
  • Pekingese

It is important to note that every dog is different and some individuals within these breeds may be more tolerant of cold weather than others.
It is always a good idea to monitor your dog’s behavior and provide them with appropriate care in any weather.

How do Australian Shepherds do in the cold…in conclusion

Finally, these animals are a tough and adaptable breed that can withstand a broad range of conditions. However, amid harsh weather circumstances, it is critical to consider their needs and give adequate care. Australian Shepherds prefer temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, but they can withstand a wide range of temperatures.

To avoid overheating in hot weather, make sure there is enough of cover and access to water. In cold weather (below freezing where ice can freeze their water), provide a warm, dry spot for your furry friend to relax and keep an eye out for indications of hypothermia or frostbite. Your Australian Shepherd may flourish in any environment if given sufficient care and attention.


These organizations provide a variety of services and information for keeping dogs safe and healthy over the winter. They include winter care and safety recommendations, emergency preparedness, and more.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) –
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) –
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) –
The National Weather Service –
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) –
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) –

Ryan Wood

Over 20 years ago I got my first Australian Shepherd. Ever since then, my family and I have been constantly learning and immersing myself with these wonderful and intriguing dogs. Now with 6 Aussie's and a couple Australian Cattle Dogs (aka Blue Heelers) in the family tree, We've learned from on-the-ground experience what makes the Australian breeds different than "regular dogs" and what doesn't. This is the site where we share everything we've learned.

Do Australian Shepherds Like the Cold?