How Long Do Australian Shepherds Live? | Aussie University

Uncovering the Lifespan of Australian Shepherds: How Long Do These Lovable Dogs Live?

Australian Shepherds are a medium-sized herding dog breed native to the United States. They are popular family pets because of their intelligence, devotion, and athleticism. Australian Shepherds live between 12 and 15 years on average. However, an individual Aussie’s longevity might vary depending on a number of factors like as genetics, food, activity, and overall health.

How long do Australian Shepherds live?

How Long Do Australian Shepherds Live in Comparison to Other Dog Breeds?

Australian Shepherds live longer than other breeds of same size and activity level. They typically survive between 12 and 15 years, though some may live even longer. This is slightly longer than the typical longevity of other small breeds, such as Border Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs, which live between 10 and 13 years. It is crucial to remember, however, that the longevity of any particular dog varies widely based on genetics, nutrition, exercise, and overall health.

How long do Aussies live?

What Factors Affect the Lifespan of an Australian Shepherd?

A range of factors, including genetics, food, activity, and overall health, influence an Australian Shepherd’s longevity. Because some genetic diseases can limit an Australian Shepherd’s lifespan, genetics play a significant influence in determining their lifespan. Hip dysplasia, for example, is a frequent issue in the breed that can result in joint difficulties and a shorter lifetime.

Diet, exercise, and overall health are other factors that can affect an Australian’s lifetime. Providing a balanced food and regular exercise, as well as ensuring that the dog receives correct medical care, can all assist to lengthen the longevity of an Australian Shepherd.

What Factors Affect the Lifespan of an Australian Shepherd?

How Can I Make Sure My Aussie Lives a Long and Healthy Life?

To ensure your Australian Shepherd has a long and healthy life, you must commit to providing the best care possible. Here are some pointers to get you started:

Provide adequate nutrition:

Feed your Australian Shepherd a balanced food that is appropriate for their age, size, and level of exercise. Look for high-quality food that has been specially designed for the breed. Avoid overeating, which can lead to obesity and other health issues.

Exercise on a regular basis:

Because Australian Shepherds are active dogs, they require frequent exercise to keep healthy. Take your dog on daily walks, play catch with them, and let them run about in a secure, confined space.

Vaccinate your Australian Shepherd on a regular basis:

Vaccinations protect your Aussie from a wide range of dangerous and potentially fatal infections. Ensure that your dog is up to date on all vaccines.

Maintain good medical care:

Regular vet visits and timely treatment of any health issues can help to keep your Australian Shepherd healthy and happy.

Keep your Aussie clean and well-groomed, and wash their bedding and toys on a regular basis to prevent the buildup of bacteria and parasites.

Aging Australian Shepherds

What Are the Symptoms of an Aging or Sick Australian Shepherd?

Depending on the underlying cause of sickness or aging, an Australian Shepherd may present a range of symptoms. The following are common indicators of sickness or age in Australian Shepherds:

Reduced energy and activity level:

If your Australian Shepherd isn’t as active as normal or appears to tire easily, this could be an indication of disease or aging.
Changes in appetite:

A decrease or increase in appetite may indicate an underlying health problem.

Weight loss or increase:

Sudden weight loss or gain may indicate an underlying health issue.

Changes in behavior:

If your Australian Shepherd is acting strangely, such as becoming more aggressive or withdrawn, this could indicate an underlying health problem.

Changes in bowel motions:

If your Australian Shepherd has diarrhea or constipation, or if their bowel movements are odd in any way, this could be an indication of an underlying health problem.

Sleeping patterns:

If your Australian Shepherd is sleeping more or less than usual, it could be an indication of a health problem.

Changes in coat or skin:

If your Australian Shepherd’s coat or skin changes, such as becoming dry or flaky, this could indicate an underlying health problem.

What Should I Do If My Aussie Gets Sick or Injured?

If your Australian Shepherd becomes ill or wounded, it is critical that you seek medical assistance right once. Contact your veterinarian and describe the symptoms and any behavioral changes you have observed. Follow your veterinarian’s treatment recommendations and keep all follow-up appointments. If your Aussie sustains a serious accident or sickness, they may require hospitalization for care.

It is also critical to give your Australian Shepherd lots of rest and a quiet place to recuperate. Keep them away from other animals and children, and provide them a nice place to sleep.

Follow your veterinarian’s food and treatment instructions, and keep a close eye on your Aussie’s development. Your Australian Shepherd should recover completely with adequate medical treatment and TLC.

Common Health Concerns for Aussies

Dental Disease

Dental disease is a prevalent issue among pets that do not brush their teeth on a regular basis. If left untreated, dental disease can cause infection, tooth loss, and organ damage. It is critical to eliminate food residue and schedule routine dental checkups to prevent dental disease. Treatment for late levels of dental disease can be costly and unpleasant for your Aussie in extreme circumstances. It is also critical to maintain your Australian Shepherd’s teeth clean in order to prevent bad breath and promote general health.

Your veterinarian may show you how to properly care for your Aussie’s teeth at home during routine dental exams. This includes brushing, chewing on dental chews, and maybe using dog toothpaste. You can avoid dental illness and improve your Aussie’s general health and well-being by taking care of their teeth.

Infectious Diseases

Just like any other breed of dog, Australian Shepherds can catch nasty viruses and germs. Parvo, rabies, and distemper are some examples of the diseases that might cause this complication. Your doctor will devise a vaccination schedule for your Aussie that takes into account the dog’s age, the prevalence of diseases in your area, and other considerations to ensure that your pet stays healthy.

Keeping your Aussie up-to-date on vaccinations is an excellent way to safeguard their health and prevent the spread of infectious diseases. To protect your Australian Shepherd’s health, it is crucial that you adhere to your veterinarian’s immunization recommendations.

Aussie Obesity

Australian Shepherds are vulnerable to the devastating effects of obesity. Chronic stress can initiate or exacerbate a wide range of health issues, including arthritis, metabolic and digestive disorders, chronic pain, and cardiovascular disease. Your Aussie needs a balanced diet and regular exercise to keep them from becoming overweight. Instead of rewarding your Aussie’s “soulful eyes” with food, try spending time with them by engaging in bonding activities like embracing, combing their fur, playing games, or going for a walk. You and your Aussie can both benefit from these exercises and routines to maintain optimal health and happiness.

It’s tempting to feed your Aussie pup table scraps and other human food, but doing so might lead to weight gain and other health issues. You can aid your Aussie in keeping a healthy weight and living a long, healthy life by following a healthy food and activity plan.

Parasites and other bugs

Fleas, ticks, and worms can infiltrate your Australian Shepherd’s body and cause discomfort or even death. These parasites can enter your Aussie’s system by contaminated water, contaminated soil, or being bitten by an infected mosquito. Because some parasites can be transmitted to humans, they are a source of concern for everyone.

To keep your Aussie in tip-top shape, you need to test for parasites on a regularly. Take preventive medication as needed. Ask your vet to assist you in developing a parasite prevention and treatment strategy for your Aussie, as well as recommend the best preventive medication depending on their unique needs. You can help keep your Aussie healthy and comfortable by taking precautions to prevent and treat parasites.

Spay or Neuter

Spaying or neutering your Aussie can bring numerous health benefits for your pet. This operation removes the ovaries and uterus from females, while the testicles are removed from males. This surgery not only prevents pregnancy and the potential of unwanted puppies, but it also lowers the risk of some types of cancer.

During the surgery, your pet will be sedated, which allows doctors to diagnose and manage any potential health issues. This could involve hip X-rays or puppy tooth extraction, which can be more convenient for the owner and less distressing for the pet. Furthermore, routine blood testing before to surgery aids in identifying any prevalent issues that may raise the chance of complications during the process.

Discover the Health Risks Your Aussie May Face: Uncovering the Genetic Predispositions of Australian Shepherds

Bone and Joint Problems

Australian Shepherds are unfortunately prone to various musculoskeletal issues that can cause pain and discomfort. But realize, with proper observation and understanding of the conditions that may affect your Aussie’s bones, joints, and muscles, it is possible to ensure that they live a comfortable and healthy life.

One condition is dysplasia, which is an inherited disease that causes joints to develop improperly and leads to arthritis. This can affect both the hips and elbows of your pet, and may cause stiffness and lameness in the legs, as well as difficulty getting up from a lying position.
To diagnose dysplasia, veterinarians may take X-rays and provide treatment, such as medication or surgery, to minimize discomfort and pain. It’s important to note that overweight Aussies may be at higher risk for developing arthritis earlier in life.

Another condition that may affect young Aussies is Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, which is a degenerative hip condition caused by a reduced blood supply to the hip. This can cause the femoral head, or the top of the thigh bone, to become brittle and prone to fractures. Symptoms of LCP include pain and lameness in one or both rear legs, and it usually occurs between the ages of six and nine months. Treatment may involve surgery.

Overall, it’s important to be vigilant about observing your Aussie’s health and seeking treatment when necessary to prevent undue suffering. By staying informed about the conditions that may affect your pet, you can ensure that they live a happy and healthy life.

Lymphoma in Australian Shepherds

Lymphoma, commonly known as lymphosarcoma, is a type of cancer that affects Australian Shepherds disproportionately. It is caused by the presence of aberrant lymphocytes, which are white blood cells present all over the body. Lymphoma can manifest itself practically anyplace in the body and is frequently detectable by a blood test.

Fortunately, lymphoma is a relatively treatable kind of cancer that has a high success rate in dogs that get chemotherapy. It is suggested that your Aussie have a complete blood count twice a year to help prevent and detect this illness. At home, look for indicators such as swollen glands, weight loss, or hard breathing, and notify your veterinarian if you observe any odd symptoms.

Aussie’s Can Get Bleeding Tumors

Hemangiosarcoma is a form of bleeding tumor that is more common in Australian Shepherds. These tumors most usually develop in the spleen, however they can also develop in other organs. Hemangiosarcoma is often difficult to identify in pets since the tumor may not show any symptoms until it has ruptured and produced internal bleeding. Before any symptoms of disease appear, the tumor may be quite enormous, perhaps the size of a volleyball.

It is critical to have your Aussie undergo senior wellness testing, including blood tests and an ultrasound, at least once a year to help diagnose this problem. These tests may provide information regarding the presence of a hemangiosarcoma tumor, allowing for earlier identification and treatment. You can help to ensure that your pet receives the care they require to stay healthy and comfortable by remaining alert about their health.

Multidrug Resistance or MDR1

Multidrug resistance is a hereditary condition that can impact how certain drugs are processed in Australian Shepherds. This mutation occurs in the MDR1 gene and can result in negative effects when using medications used to treat parasites, diarrhea, and potentially cancer. Due to the potential of side effects, veterinarians formerly avoided using ivermectin in herding breeds. However, a DNA test that can specifically identify dogs that may be at risk for these effects is now available.

You may assist to prevent drug-related toxicity and ensure that your Aussie receives the best treatment for their requirements by testing them early in life. To ensure the best care for your pet, it is critical to address any potential genetic concerns with your veterinarian and explore testing for disorders such as antibiotic resistance.

How long do Australian Shepherds live?


Types of Seizures in Dogs

Seizures in dogs are classified into three types: reactive, secondary, and primary. Reactive seizures are produced by the brain’s reaction to a metabolic problem, such as low blood sugar, organ failure, or toxicity exposure. Secondary seizures can occur as a result of brain tumors, strokes, or trauma.

If there seems no other cause, the condition is known as primary or idiopathic epilepsy, which is frequently hereditary and typically affects Australian Shepherds. Dog seizures commonly start between the ages of six months and three years.

Treatment and Management of Seizures

It’s critical to go through a first diagnostic workup in order to identify the root cause of seizures in your Aussie. To help keep seizures under control, lifelong medication is frequently required.

Have your vet do periodic blood tests may also be required to assess side effects and effectiveness. While it’s crucial to keep your dog from hurting themselves during a seizure, you shouldn’t try to control their mouth or tongue because they will more than likely bite you unintentionally. Instead, take note of how long the seizure lasts and call your veterinarian or an emergency clinic right away.

Importance of Eye Health in Australian Shepherds

The quality of life for your Aussie is significantly influenced by the eyes’ proper operation. However, there are a number of genetic or acquired eye diseases that can result in blindness or even worse, excruciating pain, in Australian Shepherds if left untreated.

Australian Shepherd Eye Examinations

It’s a good idea to get your furry pet’s eyes examined occasionally by a veterinarian in order to be sure their vision is healthy. Any warning signals will be discovered during these checks, allowing the proper therapy to be given to stop any future problems. You can ensure that your Australian shepherd leads a comfortable and healthy life by keeping an eye out for their eyes.


In older Australians, cataracts, or the clouding of the eye lenses, are a common cause of blindness. Veterinarians will look for symptoms of this ailment during routine exams since it can be curable with surgery to remove the cataracts and restore vision. Many dogs can adjust to eyesight loss effectively and go on to lead happy, healthy lives.

Additional Eye Issues in Aussies

A number of additional eye diseases that can be uncomfortable or lead to eyesight loss are more common in Australian Shepherds. For instance, a disorder called distichiasis is brought on by additional hairs that grow inside the eyelid and rub against the eye surface. These hairs might result in corneal ulcers and persistent eye pain if untreated. The disorder known as pannus causes the cornea to become inflamed and darken when exposed to UV rays, which could result in blindness. Aussies are more likely than other breeds to suffer from progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), a genetic condition that results in vision loss. Although PRA cannot be cured, early signs like night blindness or dilated pupils may start to show up between the ages of three and five. Some of these disorders can be diagnosed through genetic testing.



Resources for More Information

There are many resources available online that may be able to provide more detailed information about the various health conditions and genetic defects that can affect Australian Shepherds. Some potential places to start your research include:

The Australian Shepherd Health & Genetics Institute:
The Australian Shepherd Club of America:
The American Kennel Club:

These organizations and others may offer information on a wide range of topics related to Australian Shepherd health, including specific conditions and genetic defects, as well as tips for maintaining the overall well-being of your pet. Additionally, you can consult with a veterinarian or a genetics specialist for more personalized advice and guidance.

Ryan Wood

Over 20 years ago I got my first Australian Shepherd. Ever since then, my family and I have been constantly learning and immersing myself with these wonderful and intriguing dogs. Now with 6 Aussie's and a couple Australian Cattle Dogs (aka Blue Heelers) in the family tree, We've learned from on-the-ground experience what makes the Australian breeds different than "regular dogs" and what doesn't. This is the site where we share everything we've learned.

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